March 2025


We thoroughly enjoyed reading the Launch Your Life book and participating in the workshops! These insightful resources really helped us and our small group of young professionals gain a vision for how God could use the talents/gifts he’s given us in our workplace during this season of our lives. The Bruns’ wisdom, stories, and practical advice were incredibly helpful!
— Haley and Jacob T., Northern VA

Photo highlights from these churches we have visited

LaunchMini is spiritual, practical, and interactive in the delivery so we were able to build relationships among the families participating in the workshops. Each lesson ended with homework to help put into practice what was covered. This was very helpful for our group of young families.
— Miki and Tom D., Montgomery County, MD


College and Young Professionals

Uncertainty of our times makes it challenging to plan and believe in a powerful future with God and with a job or career.  Launch Your Life is the source for you to discover, plan, and navigate your life and career in the service of God. In our Launch Your Life groups, you will:

  • Learn about your unique gifts and talents.

  • Develop a plan to build your career and life with spiritual intention.

  • Be inspired by Biblical men and women who had jobs and responsibilities just like you.

  • Understand how to embrace God’s plan for your full life in service of Him.

  • Discover how the Lion and Gazelle survival skills can inspire you.

In addition, resume writing and interview tips are also available in these groundbreaking and inspirational lessons.

Please contact us to hear more!


Parents of Young Children

Any new parent knows that parenting isn’t always straight forward, and good parenting habits start as soon as your children are born.  Your future is riding on it.  You can set a course for a family life that God desires, and that shines in a lost world through intentional parenting and application of Biblical principles.  In our Launch Your Family groups, you will:

  • Discuss the importance and practical strategies for growing a great marriage centered in your relationships with God.  It is the foundation for parenting and a powerful family life. 

  • Review Biblical parenting principals and discover several ways to put them into practice in the context of chaotic family life. 

  • Learn about developing your child’s unique character through love, parenting, and Biblical discipline.

  • Understand how to guide their hearts toward God as you parent in your daily lives.

  • Establish an intentional spiritual focus for your unique family as your family grows with God.

With opportunities for questions and discussion, learn from each other, and learn from God’s plan.


Teen Parents

Teen parenting is hardly straight forward.  You aren’t sure when to let go versus when to hold on.  Teens want to be independent, yet they still need you.  Additionally, helping them transition to life after High School is complicated. The cost of college is high, spiritual support after High School can be difficult, and you see them experiencing other natural growing pains. You want them to start thinking about their spiritual and life dreams.  In our Launch Your Teen groups, you will:

  • Discuss the importance of maintaining your active role as a parent.  As a teen parent it is critical that you see ‘Parent’ as a verb (what you do) versus a noun (who you are) in the context of the day-in, day-out challenges of teenage life.

  • Learn about being a ‘Teen Whisperer’ with all the range of emotions you experience daily.

  • Review Biblical principles with practical suggestions in how to stir, move, and guide their hearts to God as their ultimate Father and Provider.

  • Learn how to support them, discovering and being confident in who they are as a child of God.  This security is essential so they can discover their path with Him beyond High School.

With opportunities for questions and discussion, learn from each other, and learn from God’s plan.


Empty (or Almost Empty) Nesters

Your life can feel like a blank piece of paper when your children leave home, and you are thinking about retirement.  This time can be exciting and scary at the same time.  The bumps and bruises of life can be in your way if they are holding you back from a lifestyle of dreaming and intention.  God always has plans for us, our whole lives, to be inspiring people in a lost world.  In our Re-Launch Your Life groups, you will:

  • Discuss the importance of dreaming and using those life-inducing bumps, bruises, and challenges to help others.

  • Discover how God has prepared you for this time of your life to create new dreams and intentions for how you can be used both with God’s people and in a lost, hurting world.

  • Participate in a community of empty nesters to inspire and spur each other along.

With opportunities for questions and discussion, learn from each other, and learn from God’s plan.