Peter's Surrender
/Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say…” Acts 2: 14
It was a moment that Peter would never forget. The insights and unshakable faith that Jesus gave him when they walked together were ready to be unleashed through Peter’s voice. Jesus was gone. The fresh memories of Jesus’ life, crucifixion, and resurrection had to be at the forefront of Peter’s mind as Jesus’ ascension was only a few weeks prior. Consumed by and in the Spirit, Peter and his peers began to share the good news of Jesus and the power of the resurrection. Before him were thousands of souls, many of whom had traveled a long journey from their home to be in Jerusalem. Men and women watched together and intently listened as Peter called them to do.
The crowd of listeners was vast. It had to be an eye-opening moment for Peter and the people as they would collectively understand the connection between their sins and Jesus’ death. And through Peter’s words, they would turn and become disciples of Jesus. It is incredible to think that those words helped thousands become followers of Jesus. Peter must have thought back to the day he was on a boat when Jesus shouted to him to throw his nets on the other side. That action turned a fish-less night toy a night so full of fish that the nets began to burst. After that, Peter saw this kind of thing again and again with his Lord. But now, while Jesus’ presence was felt in Spirit versus the flesh, he still saw marvelous things continue to happen. And Peter was beginning to see how he would impact the world.
But how did God take Peter and change him into the compelling, bold speaker that day in Acts? What did God do to grow him from a dime-a-dozen fisherman into a one-of-a-kind fisher of men? We can see in the gospel how God guided his dreams, his gifts, and his temperament. We can also see how God used difficulties and challenges to guide and focus his dreaming. Finally, we can see what didn’t happen. Peter didn’t just wake up one day in Acts and POOF; he was the leader, preacher, and teacher that we see there. Peter’s desire and dreaming had to be combined with a willingness to learn and grow. He surrendered himself to be the leader that Jesus called him to be, allowing him to change and grow.