This lesson is about "Whatever" (Part 1 of 3)
/Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24
In three-part blog series, we highlight a verse in Colossians 3 that is all about character. It highlights three keys, all found in verse 23, that can help you grow in your equity, allowing you to increase in value in the workplace, class, your effectiveness in personal ministry, or your current role in life. As you consider your dreams, put a plan into action, and launch into your future, we strongly recommend for you to hold onto these principles as they can help you.
“Whatever you do…”
About a year ago, our family was visiting the beautiful city of Hong Kong at the end of two intense weeks of traveling to several different cities throughout China. We were a bit tired and strangers to this new city. It was lunchtime on our last full day of the trip. We were on our feet for some time, and sure there would be a restaurant as we walked on the way through the city. We were incorrect. The temptation to be crabby and impatient was knocking at the door as we passed each city block not able to find food easily. Our feet were tired, and it seemed like all of Hong Kong was in our face. We thought that surely, after a few blocks, there would be someplace to eat. After many blocks, lunchtime passed, and now the regular hunger turned into despairing crave and longing for rest. As we came upon yet another street corner, we spied an old familiar brand, McDonald's. It was so small that had it been a garage, we were not sure if we could have parked a car inside. Given the lack of other options, we chose to squeeze into the tiny restaurant and make our lunch there. While we did not discuss this at the time, we all knew what we would experience.
McDonald's restaurants are the master of having the same offerings at all their restaurants around the world. We have had McDonald's food in Shanghai, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, a host of other American cities, and now Hong Kong. The cheeseburger, small fries, and Coke were satisfying, and they tasted the same as anywhere else we have been in the world.
Our character, our faith, and our life will show themselves regardless of what we do, and where we are, what day it is. And they should reflect themselves consistently in the same way as the McDonald’s brand. Paul's note in Colossians is a reminder that we can't just be Christians on Sunday mornings, midweek church meetings, or when we are with our church friends. It is a reminder about having a consistent character from day to day, week to week, regardless of what we are doing. And to be intentional about who we want to be.
The joy that comes from our love for God and obedience to Him should consume us and should reflect in our daily lives. We can't just have a good attitude when we are at church and unleash a different, worldly, self-seeking version of ourselves when we are with coworkers and classmates. It’s not okay to be happy on the weekends and grumpy Monday morning, or cheerful with friends and a pill with someone who is not like us.
What kind of brand would McDonald's be if it was different from location to location? It's hard to fathom because now, wherever you go into McDonald's, the cheeseburgers always look and taste the same.
Consider Paul’s words and your day; your character should be the same "whatever you do." And while there is no doubt that it is sometimes easier to be happy and content than others, we don’t get a pass on our character when having a bad day, after doing poorly on a test, or at the wrong end of injustice. Part-time Christianity is not the life that God desires.