Work is a Gift: by Jack Frederick
/A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God – Ecclesiastes 2:24
Long ago and far away I was an engineer at Morton-Thiokol Corporation. Thiokol was founded on a mistake, two chemists mixed ingredients which didn’t work and the resulting mixture clogged the drain. Turns out the gunk in the drain became the basis of their new company, their ‘invention’.
Thiokol designed and fabricated lots of rockets, in particular the Solid Rocket Boosters employed on the Space Shuttle. One blew up resulting in the death of the Challenger astronauts in 1986, I attribute that disaster to a poor political leadership decision, not the fault of Thiokol designers and fabricators. I didn’t work on the SRB’s then, I worked on Patriot and other tactical & strategic systems. Anyway, not why I’m writing this…
The work was exciting, but I most remember the people and how kind they were to me. I felt like I could do anything because they believed in me. I learned so much from each of them.
I was hired to take over the work of a senior engineer who was retiring. It was soon after the Challenger disaster; I was tasked to work the International Patriot Program with Germany & Japan and to revive production of boosters for expendable launch vehicles for space launches. He taught me a lot, and a few months into our working relationship he told me he’d been listening to my words about God, wanted to tell me alcohol had been a problem but he was determined to overcome this with God’s help. My friend long since passed. I share this to encourage us to have honest conversations with the people around us.
I studied the bible with a co-worker who first came to church with my friend, so actually they were studying together, but some days she’d ride her bike over to my old office building and we’d read together at lunchtime. She and her husband were baptized into Christ. Years later she told me that during our studies, she’d get up and gently close the office door because I was reading loudly and she felt awkward that others up and down the hallway would hear my loud reading. I was more concerned about being in a closed office alone with a beautiful young woman who was not my wife. Without breaking stride or sentence I’d walk over and open the office door. It’s a conviction I learned from a friend soon after college and has served me well (Ephesians 5:3)
It’s a funny story now, and most of all I’m glad I conducted myself in way that pleased God and protected my sister/friend, plus we set an example for those around us. It’s always right to do what is right, and to exercise wisdom. More than once in my career I’ve been propositioned and kissed by women in workplaces and by flight attendants. The bible is full of teachings, examples and warnings to avoid sin and temptation.
I learned so much from my colleagues & friends at Thiokol. I am indebted for all you taught me, and for your friendship. It was an exceptional gathering of talented people who were like a family to me. We did some great things together, you gave me confidence to move on to my illustrious careers at NASA & Raytheon and the further adventures of my life. I think of you each time I witness a rocket launch, and each is still exciting. Grateful to God for his kindness and guidance in my life.
Diligent work and a job are gifts from God. The way we treat people, and friendships we build, are amazing opportunities from God which shape our lives and the lives of those around us. Having an exciting job is fun, but seeking God in all you do is what makes life meaningful and more fun.
I love you - Jack